Intuitive Healing Sessions

Intuitive Healing Sessions

Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness. – Bertrand Russell

Ready to dive into the divine growth of spring?

What is Intuitive Healing?

A meditation based support session designed to invite Inspired Healing on every level. Together, we welcome intentional living and loving, personal acceptance in love, kindness, compassion, and peace within. I have been practicing and developing my body reading skills for over 25 years. I utilize the energetics and plant medicine of reflexology, aromatherapy, meditative breath, body balance and structure, body language in movement, flow and sound.

We can connect online or in-person (locations vary with my travel itinerary every season)

intuitive healing sessions

Fee Schedule for Intuitive Healing Sessions

1 Hour ONLINE Intuitive Healing Session$150 + HST
1 Hour IN-PERSON Intuitive Healing Session$250+ HST
6 SERIES – 6X 1 Hour ONLINE Intuitive Healing Sessions * SAVE $105$795 + HST
6 SERIES – 6X 1 Hour IN-PERSON Intuitive Healing Sessions * SAVE $205$1295 + HST

In an Intuitive Healing Session:

  • You are guided to see better with all your senses
  • Your body, heart and mind learn to speak well together
  • We go over the language of your body, heart and mind
  • Every step of your journey is connected for you
  • A recording of your session is provided for future learning
  • A series of homework exercises is provided based on our Exploratory Session time together
  • You receive a 4-6 week homework study plan to keep learning and expanding your heart, body and mind connection.
intuitive healing sessions with the Healing Muse

Intuitive Healing Discoveries Include One or More of the following:

Body Awareness

  1. breath & space, expansion, how breath opens closed spaces
  2. water = movement & flow, how water promotes changes and helps us move through difficulty and promotes growth
  3. pain = talk & speech of our body, it is our native language which allows us to communicate clearly within our body
  4. The Safety – Fat Storage Our body creates fat for so many reasons and is vital to our survival in many ways
  5. body = map of life, 3 dimensions view, assessment of how our experiences work in our 3 dimensional physical space

Heart Awareness

  1. love vs fear = expansion vs contraction, how do we use these, how do we see them, how we ignore them or forget about them
  2. awareness = responsibility, once we know something not acting on it, when action is required creates destructive patterns in our body, in our lives, 
  3. intimacy = awareness + action, taking action on knowledge, wisdom and awareness creates a deep connection within us and also a deep connection to our outside world, our bodies, other living beings.
  4. Road blocks = come as screaming pain, numbness, recurring traumas, must follow Maslow’s guide for basic survival, then move upward to higher satisfaction levels of learning
  5. Safety Zones = FAT, fat loss, toxin storage, exposure, surrender, allowing, comfort, the truth in needing.

Mind Awareness

  1. Balance = work & play, mind, body & spirit, external vs internal worlds
  2. Moving Forward = building passion, building desire, creating goals, practicing discipline, establishing new patterns & habits, compassion growth to self
  3. 101 ways to practice self-care, body reading, life balance tips. ex. red lights pauses, long lines, sitting & waiting, wrong orders
  4. Changes – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, how to deal with them
  5. Rest vs Action – when to act & give, when to rest & receive
  6. Resistance vs Flow – when to work with pressure, when to step aside
  7. Creating your Vision, and multi-level goals
  8. Full Circle – back to your breath, everyday being

Intuitive Healing Sessions Teach You to:

– Check in 

– Listen daily

– Allow healing (rest)

– Welcome growth (rest)

– Invite power (pressure)

– Test your limits (resistance)

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