Intuitive Guidance Session

Intuitive Guidance Session allows you to Root Into Your Power

Intuitive Guidance Session

Slow Down

“In order to seek one’s own direction, one must simplify the mechanics of ordinary, everyday life.” ~ Plato

Root into your power: this allows you to choose Inspired Healing in your life

What is Inspired Healing?

You listen to your body and mind, in full awareness: Inspired Healing
Together, we tune in and fine-tune your body and heart ‘inner ear’. With this guided process, you learn how to create a stronger and deeper connection between your mind and body.
At last, YOU can understand what your body is saying.

An Intuitive Guidance Session is a Body Reading with consultation and homework summary.
Recorded audio of the session is also included.

Get Ready to Read your Body

Body Reading Session – What is it?


I help you decipher and ‘re-learn’ (remember) your body’s language in a body reading session. I listen to your body and you receive a hands-on deep relaxation massage and reiki session (in person sessions only). You knew this language as a child. Let’s bring that inner wisdom back into your conscious life choices.
90 Minute Session.


Online, we connect through meditation, deep breathing exercise and follow this with a full body scan. All of this is recorded with audio, for your homework exercises.
We meet on Zoom. You ‘re-learn’ your body’s innate language.
30 Minute Session, virtual. You can be anywhere.

Body Reading Homework Outline
(After your session)

The audio portion of our Intuitive Guidance session is recorded for your homework and reference with ongoing weekly exercises. This is emailed to you with a guideline to follow for the next 4-6 weeks.

As a result, you feel better, more connected, more present and grounded and you have the session to review and listen for further teachings and practice, at your own pace.

Intuitive healing and guided sessions for body reading and connecting your mind and body. let them be friends. online and in-person sessions

Ready to Start?

Intuitive Guidance = a session to help you remember  your body’s language

FEE SCHEDULE – Intuitive Guidance Sessions

In-Person Session – Intuitive Guidance

90 minutes duration $225


To confirm your session time, payment must be received 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.

Online Session – Intuitive Guidance

30 minute duration $95



To confirm your session time, payment must be received 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.

Deeper look into body reading: how does this all work?

I read your body, your posture, tension, balance, ways of moving, your speech, emotional and mental connections. As my attention moves through your space, I feel blocks, slowing down, speeding up and also see many visuals. That’s why it is recorded on audio. In our session, I share with you all that I am picking up and seeing. I help you learn how to piece it all together. Also, I continually tune into the energy that your body is holding and also the energy that surrounds it. This allows me to point out various levels of tension, imbalance, possible aches and physical challenges you had in the past.

Become best friends with your body, with you.

– Monika Meulman, The Healing Muse
Your body is talking but are you listening. It is time you start. Learn with the Healing Muse on mind body and heart connection

Tune into your body’s energy.

Did you know that as your body changes over time? Regardless of these changes, it continues to store so much information. You are an information body ‘closet’. This body closet binds your power. Release it through awareness. Information lives in your cells, in muscle memory stores, in the rhythm of your heart and in your habits.

See this energy at work:

Repeatedly stub your toe? Does your throat hurt when you speak to your mom?

Can you feel your heart race when you must face a friend with a truth?
Do your thoughts swirl and repeat in your head ad nauseum? in line at the grocery store? while making a snack?
Wonder why your anxiety creeps in even when you feel quite comfortable? Feel dread of visiting your family? Notice you feel sluggish every time a certain event comes up in your calendar?

Connect. Expand. Breathe. Grow. Listen.

Is stiffness in your hamstrings just lack of stretching or something more?
Get hurt just before you head on vacation?

We discover this and so much more. Our Inspired Healing session together is ever evolving. Your body’s wealth of knowledge and wisdom is yours to behold. It’s time you knew what it is saying.

Your movements, your heart and your vibration all speak.

Yes, your posture, your speech, your voice tell a story. The way you start and stop in life, the way you stand, the way you pause and contemplate a moment are all tells. Vibration affects your flow, your movements, your feelings, your thoughts and vice versa.

Embrace all of your power by learning your body’s inner wisdom.

Most importantly, your heart truth, your heart’s voice is loud. It is felt through all your physical body and steers you in this world. In every way, your heart and mind playing together create the instructions that show the world who you are.

 Your body is speaking quite loud all the time. Yes, all the time.

Your Body is Talking – what is it saying?
Are you missing your body’s cues?

The signs are there!
There are thousands of them! Unfortunately, many of us were not taught how to listen. What does it looks like or feel like?

You communicate with your body!
70-93% of your communication is non-verbal

Intuitive Guidance Sessions Teach You to Listen. And you can:

  • Live with clarity
  • Move with ease
  • Allow strength
  • Be Inspired each day
  • Enjoy less stress
  • Choose more focus
  • Gain more energy
  • Embrace your power
  • Trust your wisdom
  • Welcome stillness
  • Play with your mind
  • Walk with confidence
  • Smile within