If life is a highway, are you in the fast lane?
some phrases I hear all the time:
so much to do, so little time
i’ll sleep when I am dead
who has time to complain
i’m running out of time

All the references above create a web of belief that time is something we must abide by.
the clock is ticking you know?
Life in the fast lane waits for no none.
For the September issue of South Etobicoke News, I reframe my philosophy on life and my 3 basic rules to live by. If life is a highway, how do you rest, nourish and love?
Of course (as the song goes), you are going to ride it all night long, if life is a highway.
Once you stop, that’s the end of the line (as another song goes).This September, I’m thinking about driving the highways of the GTA, the 401 highway series across Canada and all the roads beyond. We are all on a journey, but end of August and beginning of September marks a very special time for many. As our families grow and children get older, we send them off to school. Our youngsters grow even older, the schools get bigger and are further away.

So if life is a highway, figuratively (and for many of us literally, much of our life is spent on the highway) what lane are you in? If you like to mix it up and adjust your speed, change lanes once in a while: I’m with you. Let’s adjust to the scenery, enjoy the company of life and take in the sights. I get it; some people really love travelling as fast as possible from point A to point B. To what end, I wonder. The faster you travel in life, the less you can immerse yourself in life. A friend of mine has a motto: I will sleep when I am dead.
What’s your life motto?
I abide by these 3 life rules:
you must rest
you must be nourished and
you must love
Rest is essential – that’s a non-negotiable number one rule for me. Without adequate rest, you can never function optimally. Numerous studies have proven that taking breaks on long work days or study days, actually improves your productivity, reduces stress levels and increases your creative problem solving skills. You get more done in less time. That motto ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ doesn’t hold up well in the science lab, in the fast lane of life nor on the race track. Even the fastest race cars take precise pit stops to recoup, revive and replenish. Basically, everything needs down time. And, the greater the performance, the greater the rest usually is.
The second ‘must-follow’ life rule is nourishment.
That may seem so obvious to you since we all need to eat. When I mention nourishment, I mean food, liquids (water or fancier aromatically brewed options), oxygen (bare minimum requirement for life) and also food for your mind, nourishment for your heart. When we choose to nourish our minds, we welcome learning, expanding our knowledge and wisdom. That’s what makes this highway of life theme ideal for the September Wellness. Back to school prep is in full swing. Whether you are choosing courses in college, your favourite lane on the highway to get home from errands, or simply selecting your workout playlist on Spotify, you are nourishing your heart and mind.
Or not. Right?
what lane are you in?
When you choose poorly, your drive home may suck. It may be the grungy, polluted way home, but it’s fast. Or you may be stuck with take out pizza from the so-so chain down the street, because it’s quick and easy. This brings to mind another favourite motto of mine: eating well is a form of self respect. This September, on the highway of life, choose well. Consider your options before committing to convenience or speed over flavour, spices, or depth of experience.
Lastly, you must have love in your life. You must love. Without sharing your love, your life will feel like driving on cruise control. You are moving: but not really there, are you. How do we share our love? Talk with a friend about your new favourite song or dessert dish. Smile at the crossing guard the first week of school. Take a moment to compliment the local store clerk on their skills or something you notice that’s exceptional. Your moment of observation, kind words, sharing your connection with someone are the smallest, simplest act of kindness and love. It helps you grow. It helps the other person grow. Your life exponentially improves and it has nothing to do with how fast you must go.
Whether you choose to live metal to the pedal or stop and smell all the roses, this September I encourage you to examine what’s your preferred speed. Vary it up a bit. After all, variety is the spice of life. If life is a highway, I want you to live it fully everyday, in every lane. Choose to learn at every intersection, merge with care and love your experience deeply. The truth is: None of us know, when we will run out of fuel.