What’s your origin story…

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” — Joseph Campbell
Spring is the birth, the beginning of a new season. It is the beginning of a new story and life cycle. What is the beginning of you? Was it your birthday? What is your origin story?

For us, spring can be a beginning, a fresh start much the same way it is for our gardens, a blade of grass or baby chicks waiting to hatch.
But before we take on a new growth, it’s wise to revisit our origin. Take a moment to see the path that got you here.
Was your path difficult?
Or was it light and easy?

What is worth noting from your journeys?
Where the lessons valuable?
As you explore your path, you honour your origin story.
In film and television the origin story is the backstory and summary of experiences that reveal how a character or group of people become a protagonist or antagonist. You are the protagonist in the story of your life. As spring approaches, use this energy to initiate a new stage in your life and begin an new life cycle.
Spring can beckon our spiritual rebirth, emotional and energetic upgrade and mind awakening. You are the lead in your story. As a result, you have the right to choose which way you grow this season.

Birth of all things and your origin story.
East versus West.
In many cultures, your birth determines your life story. Your physical origin, where you were born and when you were born is essential to your identity. In Asia, your birth year and birth sign as well as your family ancestry are tethered to you for life. The stars’ configuration and your astral chart is a template of your strengths, weaknesses and your life journey. Thus, you are your ancestors and so much more.
Do you embrace these origins?

Your life story is closely tied to nature, heavens and the earth that your success is determined (at least in part) by these ties. According to Astrology, all origins depend on time. Asian or Chinese Astrology is Vedic based: defined by nature. Western Astrology is based on the 12 months of the year and follows the seasons.
Our Spring Equinox is heralded as the beginning of a new energy cycle.
The Chinese Zodiac signs are noted in records as early as 5th century BC (Zhan Guo Dynasty). But the Western Zodiac signs and astrological system was also incorporated into Asian disciplines and philosophies as early as 700 AD (Tang Dynasty).
Both systems use time and the cycle of nature to offer insight into what was and what will be. They have been in our modern world for a long time.
Is your destiny written in the stars?
Beginnings and You
Societies around the world celebrate beginnings in a variety of ways. Often, you may hear of a caste celebrating a rite of passage that has no relation to the calendar. You may welcome a 100 beginnings in a lifetime.
In some tribes and cultures, accomplishing a task such as hunting a buffalo successfully, completing a walkabout or reaching a pinnacle point in your life, marks you worthy of a feast. You are honoured with a community celebration.

As part of some extreme mystical sects and monasteries steeped in ancient practices, you may be buried alive (to survive the darkness within and without for 24 hrs) and thus be initiated into a new birth, before you can take your vows. In the Western world, a candle on a birthday cake is often our most welcome annual ‘birth celebration’.
No matter the culture or practice of our origin, we have options on how and when we choose our next beginning. We continually add layers and revising our origin story.

March to a new story.
Springtime is a wonderful time to explore this rebirth, renewal and a chosen new beginning.
Ready to use this season to create afresh?

Create a new story, where you are hero and leader empowered with wisdom, strength and vitality. Why not choose a tabula rasa? Start in a new direction. It’s time you brush off the remnants of yesterday.
Allow spring showers to bloom colourful flowers in your heart’s garden. As spring does naturally, rise up with the earlier morning sun and adopt a new mindfulness practice.
Celebrations to start you off.
Celebrating spring, from a traditional St. Patrick’s Day green pint of beer or painting your face with green Shamrocks, to dancing under the moon during spring equinox, the gardens of spring await you.

Nature is always waiting. Go see her. Walk barefoot in the forest (yes, safety first and look for a clear path or meadow!) Join the many people that celebrate a new cycle and spring in these ways.
Always on time.
But we can choose to celebrate a beginning and ‘new origin of us’ each morning, each hour, every minute. Our cells are constantly dividing, and our body is continually producing new, genetic material and new cells to keep us ticking. This fast cycle allows for the quickest and easiest way to practice rewriting our origin story at any moment we choose.
In the words of Naomi Judd (and many others), “Your body hears everything your mind says.”

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What you feel, think and say, your body hears and builds within. The most valuable lesson and invitation of spring may be that we choose to recognize we can grow at any level, at any time. After all, you are growing right now.
Since we are continually renewing, our spiritual birth and rebirth, our story of origin is constantly evolving. When we zoom far out over across ancestry of time and our generations, we see our story of origin is something deeply profound. It is interconnected with very many people in our lives and never fully defined.

Breath Expands
Our story is responds to every breath, to every step, to every path we take. We are the lead character choosing our next adventure. Since there is nothing but our own path, we are always on time to our destiny. We have but this moment to begin again. Spring is simply a vibrant, growing, colourful reminder of our very nature. Inhale and welcome this profound truth. As Jim Kwik writes in his book ‘Limitless’, you are limitless the moment you realize you are always growing and expanding. See the choices before you are unlimited.
With spring in your step, start on your next journey and let me know where it takes you.
Monika Meulman – Your Intuitive Living Guide
Online Intuitive Healing Sessions Available email to book: store@healingmuse.com
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Where to next? Read this post ‘Taking a Leap of Faith – this year’