Why Meditate

Why Meditate

Meditate. Why?

To make room in your mind to create from your heart. When your mind and heart are friends, beautiful events unfold in your life.

“All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.”
— Eckhart Tolle

Meditate. When?

Anytime you have a spare 5 minutes.

Sit. Walk. Rest. Eat. In meditation.

Meditate. How?

Pick a point of interest. Sunrise. Cactus. Your cat. A tree.

Look at it gently and breathe. 

“If you want to understand Zen easily, just be mindless, wherever you are, twenty-four hours a day, until you spontaneously merge with the Way. This is what an ancient worthy called ‘the mind not touching things, the steps not placed anywhere.’ ” (Ying-an)

Through meditation you see how…
your mind is to be taught and instructed 
While your heart is to be opened and shared 
your body is to be moved
and your spirit is to be honoured

Or, count breaths in and out slowly.

Put a timer on to give your mind comfort knowing you will not get ‘stuck’ in meditation or ‘forget to live the rest of your life’ or run late for work. 

#thatsit #inspiredliving with the #healingmuse 

Need help deciphering your way in life and living mindfully? Book a session 

Link to book here


Learn Meditation for Practitioners

Online, aromatherapy, self guided course. Contact me for more details here

Excerpt from Course modules:

Learn meditation practices to increase mindfulness, reduce stress, improve life balance,

Utilizing the strength and instant power and connection with essential oil aromatics.
Teach connection between breath, aromatic use, and mindful focus for increasing healing long term effects and provide practitioners with a multidisciplinary tool to teach clients home coping and home healing methods.

Provide guidance and system for introducing meditation practice and aromatic blending into the practitioner’s healing modalities.

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