Category Archives: spring

lost and found spring green goddess rising original art by Kathleen Burke

However many trees lose leaves, no matter what branches break in the winter winds and how many garden plants may have wilted away, many more are returning.

Nature grows more each spring. We cannot stop her. She is robust and determined in her emergence. 

This graceful life lesson of all that exists, is understated and so often overlooked. Life…

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embrace spring blooms The colours and aromas that surround you offer a vibrant and intoxicating rising energy flow

Embrace spring blooms

The colours and aromas that surround you offer a vibrant and intoxicating rising energy flow

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beginning of your path

Spring is the birth, the beginning of a new season. It is the beginning of a new story and life cycle. 
What is the beginning of you?
Was it your birthday?

What is your origin story?

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person holding a green plant

Save Money The Planet and Get Healthy
Workshop Includes:
Practical experience

hands-on instruction

taste-testing fresh foods

learning to get your hands dirty in the home garden and more!

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womens circle for inspired living

Moon Medicine Circle this April focuses on Grow and Flow of Spring.

Planted seeds of love, beauty and great adventures are sprouting.

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